Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is this the Largest Giveaway ever?

Something very big is happening.

Keep an open mind because this isn't just for online marketers. When you check this out, you'll find that these products are also good for folks who just want to use them.

As for my fellow marketers......
I know alot of you could be making a lot
more money if you only had more traffic coming
to your website and easy access to marketing tools
that have made other marketers work easier, and
made them a lot of money.


Kenneth Reno has called in some favors
from whole bunch of top online marketers (such as yours truly)
convinced them all to give you TONS of very valuable
gifts, and TONS of online tools at NO COST to you.

--Joint Venture Alert Software
--Quality eBooks and Other Joint Venture Software
--Membership to Several PAID Resources
--Business Caoching
--VOIP Software and Reports
--Marketing Software
--Start Your Own JV!
--Free Traffic to Your Website
--Free Subscribers to Your List
--Resale Rights Products
--Private Label/Sourcecode Products

And much more....

You mention it, it's there.


P.S. - You may be wondering, "what's the catch?"…well,
there ISN'T one.

This is my way of saying thank you for reading, and I hope that you will make lots of money
selling and using those products.

Clarity 2.0 is ready and you can start for FREE

You asked for it. Clarity™ 2.0 is now ready.

What's new with this version, first of all, the update is accompanied by the latest version of Clear Strategy™ 2.0 .

What does that mean?It means that when combined with the Unleashing the Power of Your Simple Plan© eBook primer (pdf format) you have the complete Simple Plan Personal Coaching System™ at your fingertips.

In terms of feature enhancements, both Clarity™ 2.0 & Clear Strategy™ 2.0 offer more user control during installation, better graphic interface, more engaging final analysis report generation, and more extensive support resources. Both are still for PCs only, but a Mac friendly version is in development.

With this product upgrade announcement it all boils down to greater value for you, the end user.

Were you one of the lucky folks that picked up either product at its introductory price? If not those offers have passed and the current price can change without advance notice.

For instance, how many new personal coaching clients will I take on in conjunction with this offer? If you have any interest in being one of the fortunate people to reap the benefits of Clarity, avoid delay.

As if that's not enough, I've even revised the offer to ensure you can get started for FREE today. That means that whatever your circumstance, personal or professional, you can leave second rate living behind.