What has that got to do with success?
The intersection and overlapping of personal and professional agendas should come as no surprise. Experience is all about perception. We tend to react based more on our perception than what actually transpired.In an instant you flash back to your association with the emotions being stirred and then you proceed to act (largely influenced by a memory) to the situation in front of you.
The goal is to remember all this during the crisis/conflict. It is after all, how you feel about what happened that dictates how the events will reside in your memory. So essentially, there's an opportunity to clear some junk or pile more on.
Following this same line of thinking, how can your professional objectives not be significantly impacted by the personal experiences that seem to keep you caught up?
The same issues that surface to shape personal relationships are being employed in the professional arena. There is no getting away from the fact that it all centers on dealing with people and this can not be done effectively until we’ve dealt with the self.
Why? Because your encounters with others mirror your relationship with the self and unrecognized self sabotaging patterns will perpetuate the status quo that dominated your past...unless you decide to do something differently.
The Enhancement Consulting Simple Plan System © integrates thought leadership and relationship marketing for small businesses and entrepreneurs to create a solid foundation for a simple plan that can weather the storm.
While most marketing seems to focus primarily on consumer needs, who you are and how you are --- these factors are commonly ignored when developing a strategy, but they are the very ones that utimately dictate success.
The exciting element of this system is that it unites the personal and professional so that they begin working with each other holistically, rather than in opposition. Success and fulfillment seem to become natural consequences.
In this ezine- blogger hybrid I'll offer you a hint of what we do for our clients...
insightful strategic planning, integration of new technology and processes to address multiple needs, incentive planning, encouragement and motivation that holds you accountable, but still applauds your efforts to remain focused.
Each situation is different and while we encourage the use of measurment tools to assess ROI, our approach in a general sense is more intuitive and humanistic. So, while blending all that up for you, I’ll share industry news that I think will be of interest and mini-lessons... guidance for you in developing and implementing your simple plan. Though we are all concerned with increasing profits, success is referenced in more holistic terms to include quality of life issues beyond the mere material.
The key to having that kind of security is learning to live and make choices from your core. However, this requires that it first be identified.
Can you tell the truth?
What are the major patterns that operate to sabotage your opportunities to succeed?
Events FYI
You should be able to click on these to get more information.
MAY 4-6, 2004 -- New York City. The Incentive Show 2004, sponsored by Incentive and Potentials magazines. Formerly The New York Premium Incentive Marketplace. Venue: The Jacob Javits Convention Center. For more information, visit the Web site at www.theincentiveshow.com.
May 11-12, 2004
Hilton New York
Solve the Findability Dilemma for Your Organization
Enterprise Search Summit is a brand new conference specifically designed for anyone who is responsible for organizing, managing, and retrieving internal and/or external information.
MAY 12-14, 2004 -- Frankfurt, Germany. IMEX: The Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events. Venue: Messe Frankfurt. Contact: IMEX, Regent House, 1st fl., Hove St., Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2DW. Tel.: +44 1273 227311. E-mail: sales@imex-frankfurt.com
JUNE 8-9, 2004 -- Las Vegas. American Strategic Management Institute's Employer of Choice 2004 conference. Venue: Caesars Palace Las Vegas. Register online or Telephone: 858-847-6876.
JUNE 27-30, 2004 -- New Orleans. Society for Human Resource Management's 56th Annual Conference and Exposition. Contact: SHRM, 1800 Duke St., Alexandria, Va., 22314. Telephone: (703) 535-6490. E-mail: shrm@shrm.org
Have a great day or make the best of the day you're having.