Your thoughts are the seeds of your success,
but it is your actions that form the roots.--Yvette Dubel
You know how it is when you're moving. Treasured items are rediscovered. Please check the previous post again. I've created another page just for you to view that great info I uncovered in my Treasure of Resources.
I had some problems posting it in the ezine, but where there's a will there's a way. I will employ this method in the future as I find information I am too excited about sharing to wait until the next official ezine edition.
I would like to convene an online focus group of people recovering from a relationship breakup or seeking relationship advice. I am especially seeking those of you with an interest in self help improvement and financial freedom (entrepreneurship). If you, or anyone you know meets that criteria please refer them to
Enhancement Consulting. (use the email link on the contact page with subject line "Focus Group")
Here's that special page I mentioned
Your Special Resource Page
As always, you are invited to share your stories, comments, or questions here. Feel free to inquire about ad exchanges using the contact info at the web site.
Here for your success,
Y. Dubel
Niche Marketing Secrets
Ezine Marketing Center
Marketing with a mission
Isn't it time you started working on
the business of your dreams?
Click here to find out how.
Click here to find out how!
Your thoughts are the seeds of your success,
but it is your actions that form the roots.--Yvette Dubel
Inspiration can be found in the oddest moments. We've just moved into a new house and it's times like this that living with the animals we chose (English Mastiff and a mixed kitty that thinks she's a dog)
just makes me feel better.
It has been a string of long days packing, carrying boxes and rediscovering memories. I was looking through a box of old letters when my husband, Dave, came in yelling, "You won't believe what the guy found down there!"
He was right. I didn't believe it.
That is until the installation guy, Steve I think his name was, assured me that was the first time he encountered snakes during an installation. "You'll have to call someone to get rid of them before I can finish."
He went on to inform me that he'd seen two of them. "Who do I call," I asked?
"Animal control or a pest company," he told me.
Well, as it turns out no one removes snakes in my neck of the woods. Finally, I called the agricultural supply store. Sure enough, they had a suggestion. Rattlesnake Sulfur. You get it and sprinkle it around the house or property. Apparently, snakes can't stand the smell. He also suggested that I get some moth balls and spread around as well.
Places like agricultural and home supply stores, at least the good ones, are specialized resource centers. In a sense I'd like this publication to serve a similar purpose. A place you use and trust enough to refer friends to when they are in need of strategic or free small business resources, relationship help, advice, AFFORDABELE professional or personal coaching.
Even amidst the madness of snakes in the basement, I am thinking of you and your success. I ran across several resource lists and articles while unpacking. Periodically, I will share them with you here if I can't wait until the next official issue of Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success.
You know how it is when you run across something and then you wonder how you forgot to tell everyone about it because you just thought it was so terrific? That's a bit of what I'm feeling. You may have to scroll down just a bit, but you'll see why I had to tell you about this right away.
Oh, one more thing, those of you who subscribed through a service instead of the
Enhancement Consulting website, may be interested in getting your free subscription gifts. You can get them by visiting the website and submitting a request from there using the email links.
I had some trouble posting what I wanted to share with you here so, I've created a special resource page just for subscribers to this ezine. You'll find it at the link I dropped somewhere around here.
Psst...pass it on!
My snake fiasco has reminded me that we all need help at some time and there's nothing like having it around when you need it. When you need help, Enhancement Consulting's resources are here for you.
Here for your success,
Y. Dubel
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