Motivating News For You
Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success brought to you by Enhancement Consulting: Your Source For Solutions Today. Providing strategy-consulting services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Also offering personal coaching, specializing in entrepreneurship as a tool and platform for self-improvement and thought leadership.
Motivating Morsels
To follow, without halt, one aim: There's the secret of success.Anna Pavlova (1885 - 1931)
I decided we’d have two quotes in this issue. Yum!*
"There is an Indian Belief that everyone is in a house of four rooms: A physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room everyday, even if only to keep it aired, we are not complete." -- Rumer Godden
Motivating News
Welcome to the latest edition of Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success!
I am positively elated about the business news I’ll be sharing with you in this issue. Why? Because I think it will serve as encouragement for small business owners or those of you who have been straddling the fence on jumping into entrepreneurship.
The resource I’d like to highlight in this issue is what some might call a secret weapon. In fact, this is just the sort of resource that consultants depend upon that small business owners need to be reading.
In the same way that the information in The Wall Street Journal is digested to be transformed into solutions for small businesses, other publications are equally relevant to deploying your immediate and long-term strategies.
A resource that has gotten my attention (and kept it) while overcoming my initial cynical resistance is the source for statistical information unless it is stated otherwise.
Like many of you I recently took some much earned time away with my family. While my husband was out playing golf and the children where swimming with their Grandpa and cousins, I snuck away to catch up on my reading. I had brought along Bertrand Russell’s Mysticism and Logic essay collection in support of a personal endeavor. It's an old paperback from the early 1960’s given to me by my philosophical mentor. In the same stack I had several issues of business publications to read and a newly acquired paperback historical documentary with lots of folded corner pages that I'd been nibbling at in the morning.
With so much exciting material to consume I'm sure you’ll understand why I require a return on the time I invest. Well, I was delighted with the value of the information I found in the June 7, 2004 print issue of B to B The Magazine For Marketing Strategists. (I talk more about this in my Editorial Entrée below) I’d like to show you what I mean when I refer to the value of content.
According to B to B magazine Thomas Industrial Network's recent study showed that online sourcing is the solution of choice by business buyers. Those surveyed found increases in productivity and significant savings demonstrating real ROI value.
21% of buyers estimated they saved their companies more than $501 per month through online sourcing
18% reported savings of more than $1000 per month
51% of buyers said their company saved at least 51 hours per month by using online sourcing
21% saved 500 hours per month
13% estimated time saved at more than 1000 hours per month
What does this mean to you? First, this means opportunity. Secondly, it means that all buyers are looking for information.
You have an area of expertise, but how can you translate that into easy to consume info-products? Well, if you needed motivation to do so I hope that did it. If you have an idea for a product find out if there's a market looking for it.
Chances are good that there’s a market looking for your products, you just have to make sure they can find you where they are looking. But you do want to do your research before you just dive in. Anyone seeking assistance developing a product can of course feel free to contact me and I'd be happy to see how I can help you. Just let me know if you're looking for a consultant or making a joint venture inquiry.
My advertising system can provide the infrastructure your marketing campaign needs to be successful, profitable and spam-free. Get step-by-step guidance in your inbox every four or five days. There’s even a lesson on setting up your blog as your ezine and how to make sure it is effectively integrated and supportive of your email marketing campaign. Plus for my subscribers I’ll offer one-on-one assistance to help you implement my advertising system for your business.
Keep reading.
Here for your success,
Yvette Dubel
Enhancement Consulting: Your Simple Plan Solution
My Own Ezine - Dedicated to helping you start your ownezine and build your online business. Savvy strategies, surefire tips and ideas, fresh articles, free promotion and morein every weekly issue of MOE. Send any email or visit us at: today for more info!
Trivia Side Dish
Answers to last issue’s questions:
The most common place name in Britain is Newton, which occurs 150 times.
More than 50 percent of adults surveyed said that children should not be paid money for getting good grades in school.
If the Census Bureau classifies you as a POSSLQ, you are a "Person of Opposite Sex, Sharing Living Quarters.
New Trivia Questions
What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
What separates "60 Minutes," on CBS, from every other TV show?
Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
More value content from B to B
A study released in May by Yahoo! And Grey Worldwide, San Francisco reported that Small to Midsize Business decision makers spend more than 5 hours a day consuming information. In fact, this group spends the most time on the Internet.
Tools that can reduce the time investment of locating what you need have undisputed value. If such a tool can also provide revenue by allowing you to resell it and keep 100% of the money then its value is definitely enhanced.
Praise for “Exploding Your Potential Into Success”
"Yvette Dubel has created an e-book that covers all the basics and gives some pretty interesting resources to boot. I like to think that I know about lots of resources, and I do. But it's a big world out there, and I am the first to admit I don't know everything." Bal Simon
Get ready to save LOTS of time as you increase your profits with this incredible resource at your fingertips. Some things, like time lost, are priceless.
I assembled this package (which includes free bonuses) because you probably spend too much time looking for the solutions and resources you need, just like I used to. Now you can benefit from my years of collecting and researching resources for clients.
This package provides the following benefits for you:
Easily find the best resources for building and maintaining your increased profits and success
- Easily find everything you need to start and run your online business
Have the best free resources at your fingertips - Get Incredible Money Making Insider Information to help define your position in the marketplace, as well as produce and distribute your products
- Get the best resources for boosting sales in any business
Resell and keep 100% of the money. Even if you don't have a single product of your own, You're in business for less than $20!
Get Yours Now!
How Can You Create An Advertising System That Works
Learn how I doubled my opt-in list in just three weeks.
I'll help you duplicate my advertising system for your business. I'll even point you towards the best tools (many of them free) to get you started. Plus to ensure the success of my subscribers I’m offering free coaching to help you make use of this email marketing strategy founded on relationship marketing principles.
F r e e Lessons by email on successful spam-fr'ee email marketing campaign
Editorial Entrée
That study I mentioned previously by Yahoo! And Grey Worldwide, San Francisco also indicated that business owners reported Web sites topping the list of “critical” marketing tools (69%), followed by search engine keywords (36%), and community relations (35%). Other “critical” marketing tools included email marketing (24%), direct mail (22%), and the Yellow Pages (12%).
Now the other key piece of information you need to know is why buyers go in search of your Web site. The answer: to find information. Interestingly Thomas Industrial Network’s study indicates that 55% of buyers found lack of specific product information to be a chief complaint and reason for going elsewhere to do business.
The challenge for very small and home based businesses in competing with the advertising budgets of larger small businesses and midsize companies. At least that is one of the major hurdles.
This is actually why I decided to offer the free email course that actually offers you a successful Internet advertising system. It focuses on successful spam-free email marketing because building your opt-in list is key to making money online. Having a system or strategy in place will help give form to your simple plan.
Best of all it fits naturally with my Simple Plan System© for strategic planning. for more information. And when also combined with Exploding Your Potential for Success (more info here you have your key components for an arsenal for efficient strategic planning with built in flexibility and back up support. Our relationship doesn’t end when you buy my product(s). It moves into a deeper level of collaborative assistance as you discover innovative ways to apply the information I share to achieve your success.
As part of that commitment I strive to deliver to you consistent quality content. I feel that a key part of my job as a consultant is to point you towards good resources.
If small business owners are among those spending the most time on the Internet it is a valuable service to simplify the process of finding information vital to strategic/marketing planning.
But finding quality information that is laser relevant is no small task as I’m sure you know. I found myself consistently frustrated by the fact that the publications that seem the most often shoved in my face have actually had the least value to me personally. Simply because it didn’t have the kind of information I needed.
The over abundance of hype had led me tune out screaming ads. I also developed a strong distasted for misleading advertising. You know those emails with the misleading subject lines. Well, some unscrupulous marketers use a similar technique with web domains. For instance, when you misspell a word in a domain and end up some place totally unrelated.
I find that to be fundamentally dishonest. I was interested in a couple of the opportunities with but because I found their approach to be sleazy and less than straight forward I was put off. If I was cautious before, afterwards I was weary and not at all willing to risk the $700 or so they finally got around to asking for. That was the cost if I really wanted the privilege of learning from them and achieving their marketing success.
I reflected on the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” In the past, whenever I have ignored these words I have later regretted it. I got it this time.
Well, they had far from convinced me they had achieved marketing success. I checked several of the web sites in their labyrinth of pseudo-information and none of them convinced me. The icing on the cake was that it seemed impossible to reach an actual live person to answer specific questions. Based on what I was seeing these were not the kind of folks I wanted to be in any kind of relationship with.
I’ll admit it. After a series of similar experiences involving an array of products, I became cynical. This was exacerbated by the fact that I live in a small town with only one bookstore and shelf space priority goes to entertainment and fashion hands down.
I wonder how I ever would have heard of B to B The Magazine For Marketing Strategists had it not been for their Internet marketing? I might have missed out totally on B to B had it not been for the free subscription I got by participating in some other online program. (Great strategic partnering!)
So that is one level of why I have such high regard for B to B, but another is their application of relationship marketing. I really appreciate the fact that I feel that I have been engaged in a business relationship, on a trial run basis.
They totally eliminated the risk for me by allowing me to see what the product could do for me. The free subscription has not only introduced me to their product, but it has sown the seeds of customer loyalty. I don’t mind the advertising in their magazine because it is always so relevant that it enhances the main content.
Rather than flagging me down with loud bolstering promises, I was ushered in for a presentation where they are leading me to believe they will consistently deliver a product that out performs my expectations. Even better, they aren’t asking me to trust them, they’re saying, “Just let me prove it you.”
So far, so good.
Visit to subscribe to their newsletter.
So until next time, remember…
I’m Here For Your Success,
Yvette Dubel
Your Affordable Personal Coaching & Consulting Solution
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News and Events
I have even more exciting news that is going to give a limited number of my customers the opportunity to test-drive the SAME advanced strategies marketing guru Corey Rudl has personally used to grow his online businesses to over $7.6 Million in online sales each year and...
Take home Corey's #1 best-selling Internet marketing course FREE for 30 days and PROVE to yourself, once and for all, what all the fuss has been about...
Much to his accountant's horror, Corey's ready to give you the shirt off his back just so he can prove to his BIGGEST skeptics that his course gives absolutely anyone the ability to start, build, and grow an extremely profitable online business (even if you don't have a product to sell!).
He's actually giving away FREE 30-Day Trial copies of his "Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet" course, so that you can get a firsthand look at the 1,000+ pages of highly profitable Internet marketing strategies it reveals!I'm talking about strategies like...
>> Step-by-step advice you can use to start your very own Internet business in as little as 48 hours!
>> How to build a top-selling web site... for less than $100!
>> Where to find hot products (in 20 minutes or LESS!) that you can start selling TODAY! These in-demand products will sell like hotcakes, no matter what your experience!
>> 100s of FREE and cheap online tools, resources, and software that you can use to automate your web site (and save you at least 35 hours every week)!
>> How to get #1 rankings in the search engines and get tons of FREE traffic from the "Big Guys" like Google!
>> Secrets to writing salescopy that increases sales by 400% (or MORE)!
>> Getting 1,000s of NEW visitors to your web site... FREE. ...
and these are just a few of the coveted strategies you'll discover in this #1 best-selling course!But you don't have to take my word for it!
Because Corey's going to let you take his course home FREE for 30 days, read it, test as many techniques as you like -- and convince yourself when his most profitable secrets dramatically increase your online sales, traffic, and profits!
However, I must WARN you: Since this opportunity involves a lot of risk for Corey, his accountant has insisted that he can only make the 30-day trial course available...
For the next 3 days only, OR to the next 500 people -- whichever comes first!
So I'd highly recommend that you visit... immediately, and take advantage of this special trial offer before his accountant pulls the plug.
All the best...
P.S. Remember: Corey's the one taking ALL the risk with this 30-Day FREE Trial Course. If you decide after 30 days of reviewing his 1,000+ page best-selling course that you don't want it, just send it back to him, no problem. He'll even let you keep the $798 in bonuses as "thanks" for checking it out. Go to:
Since you're exploring new product.....
Here's a quick tour of another exciting new solution:
Are you struggling to recover from a break up or a history of bad relationships? Do you know someone who is? I have a F R E E personal coaching solution that will guide the way from Heartbreak to Elation. Don’t worry if you change your mind there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message.
Get F r e e Heartbreak Rescue by sending a blank email to:
Offshoring: Not Such a Grand Exodus After All
A recent magazine survey reveals low participation in offshore outsourcing--and only nominal Joshua Weinberger
Monday, July 12, 2004
CRM magazine: Customers for Life
How to transform loyalty into commitment into revenue. by Joshua Weinberger
From CRM Magazine July 2004
Full Story: &TopicID=9
The Legal Industry--public and corporate--is almost purely aknowledge-based industry. The degree to which law firms leverage their partners' KNOWLEDGE &EMPOWER junior staff to raise billable hours is the KEY measurement of theirsuccess. How to do it best? Read the KMWorld White Paper -- " Best Practices in the Legal Industry -- for the secrets lawyers use to leverage KNOWLEDGE and PEOPLE to the greatest degree.
Download your copy now!
Dessert & Coffee Consulting Corner
Question: What if choosing to pursue a successful life means loosing my friends?
This is the place where I answer your questions. If this isn’t your question, then send it in now. I’m waiting to read it. But I digress.
The main issue to be clear on here is this. How much do you want it? It takes a red-hot fire of determination to reach the prized pinnacle. There’s no room for the weak hearted.
Consider that you success depends on supportive relationships. If your current circle can’t live up to that you might want to examine whether or not that has been a factor in your lack of achievement up until this point.
Believe me, you’ll meet new people who share your ambition and may be better equipped to support you in your professional endeavors.
Besides, it’s not like you need to issue pink slips telling your pals they’re fired. You’d be amazed at the shifts that seem to coincidentally occur in your life once you start to value what yourself and what you’re doing.
You can’t control anyone’s reaction or behavior but your own.
Don’t let fear of change hold you back. Life is change and “resistance is futile.”
Hope that’s helpful to you!
Here for your success,
A Giggle A Day Keeps The Blues Away
The Procrastinator's creed
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
3. I will never rush into a job without a lifetime of consideration.
4. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.
5. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations.
6. I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.
7. I shall never forget that the probability of a miracle, though infinitesmally small, is not exactly zero.
8. If at first I don't succeed, there is always next year.
9. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.
10. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word, when I get around to it.
11. I obey the law of inverse excuses which demands that the greater the task to be done, the more insignificant the work that must be done prior to beginning the greater task.
12. I know that the work cycle is not plan-start-finish, but is wait-plan-plan.
13. I will never put off until tomorrow, what I can forget about forever.
14. I will become a member of the ancient Order of Two-Headed Turtles (the Procrastinator's Society) if they ever get it organized.
Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success brought to you by Enhancement Consulting: Your Source For Solutions Today. Providing strategy-consulting services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Also offering personal coaching, specializing in entrepreneurship as a tool and platform for self-improvement and thought leadership.