Thursday, May 06, 2004

Not Another Bug!

This is going to be a light entry. Still in test run phase and working out the bugs I have not made a final decision on the ezine/ blogger issue. That issue being whether or not to utilize the blogger as a ezine or newsletter supplement. I think it would be an innovative solution that would help subscribers on multiple front by first not cluttering up their email boxes with large html files. Definitely a plus in that regard.

I thought the following would be of interest so I am passing it along for you to read. While there are still a few bugs to be worked out before the official relaunch, it won't be much longer now ;-)

ValueLink incentive gift card survey

MAY 05, 2004 - -- ValueLink, a division of First Data Corporation that specializes in gift card implementation and transaction processing, has released preliminary results of a study focused on the incentive and business-to-business market at The Incentive Show in New York today.