Drum Roll Please
-Fernanda Rossi, The Documentary Doctor NYC, USA
Hey there!
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And now for the drum roll.....
Because you're one of the smart visitors who had the motivation to subscribe to this ezine you'll be the first to know about a big change that's fast approaching. The Simple Plan Package price is increasing this weekend. The bonuses will all be the same, but the price is about to triple. And since I have other interest I plan to give more attention next year, there's likely going to be another price increase at year's end. The free consultation offer is, however, ongoing.
I'll also be tweaking the website to make the Simple Plan Resources Center easier for you to find and in the coming month(s) the free downloads now offered exclusively to you will be added to the Resources Center. What do you think of making the Resources section a subscriber only benefit? Email (simpleplan@enhancementconsulting.net) and tell me what you think or use the form on the main page.
The issue of online or teleconferencing events is back on the table. I'm developing a special list of motivated people interested in workshops or groups dealing with specific themes or topics concerning you. Hey, now it's your turn to tell me what that would be. I'm ready when you are.
Some of you have asked me what I've been up to in terms of projects. Well, I'm again working with a nonprofit organization that does a media youth program. That project has again turned me towards one of my pet projects, a documentary film I started developing four years ago. It requires alot of historical research and analysis to frame the tone, but I love it. What's most exciting is the opportunity to do it as a community youth program.
Behind the Veil Live! is also keeping the momentum going. For the next show I'll be interviewing my friend Scott Whitehead of zestcity.com The last broadcast featured an interview/update from the Documentary Doctor, Fernanda Rossi (her testimoinal is featured in this issue). While the show and consulting are alot of fun for me I do have other interests. Therefore, I'm cutting back on the number of clients I work with to focus more on those other things.
Of course, there's my family which surprises me with the depth of joy they inspire. I've had some work published, so I'm working on some new pieces. I'm being considered by a literary agency, but I'm still looking. (Any literary agents out there?) Proof I definitely know something about rejection ;-) I have a couple of IT products I've been developing with some friends and I'm searching for new solutions to move that project ahead. If any of you or someone you know (and think highly of) is a programmer or graphic artist that might be interested in working on product development as an equity partner, send them my contact info.
Hey, what's new in your life?
Are you struggling to recover from a break up or a history of bad relationships? Do you know someone who is? I have a F R E E personal coaching solution that will guide the way from Heartbreak to Elation. Don’t worry if you change your mind there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message.
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Back to my point about Coca Cola...
Previously I announced that I was going to be launching a new forum, well that's taking longer than I thought. Editing and uploading the files is not going to be an interesting process. You wouldn't believe how many files there are to upload.
Anyway, the point of sharing that is to preface this. I'm going to continue the Coca Cola commentary here instead of in the forum. If you missed the beginning just go back to that blog post to catch up. I'll include some other blogs where you can get more info at the end of this.
I won't recap, except to say that their earnings have been down and the CEO doesn't think there's anything wrong with the current marketing strategy. Since you know I see most things through the lens of relationships that's where I first turn on this issue.
Does anyone remember the old Coca Cola commercials from the '70's with the "I'd like to teach the world..." jingle? That was a hugely successful campaign because it touched our thirst for idealism combined with a catchy jingle. For people of that generation, that was the moment when Coke gained branding power. However, this was all turned upside down for me in the 1980's when I joined the South African anti- apartheid campaign by boycotting companies that continued to do business there. Coca Cola was one of those companies. (I recall several of others that were on one of the three bumper stickers to grace my car(s) in almost two decades.) While this damaged my relationship with the company and its products, I want to focus on the larger marketplace, not just my preferences.
The reason for bringing all this up is to examine why that campaign worked. During difficult times people are inclined towards nostalgia as a source of comfort or inspiration when the future is so obviously uncertain. In short, it makes us feel good. During the 1970's integration was threatening to tear apart communities like mine. Those commercials with everyone, of every race, holding hands and singing in sisterhood/brotherhood was healing imagery. I think that today, people all over the world are in need of some inspiration...something hopeful.
I think Coca Cola needs to go back to these basics, only this time putting substance behind it. Look, we're inundated with advertising so they'll have to do better than just a good jingle. I think the celebrity endorsements are a bust. While alot of people want to mimic their fashion sense, I don't think many of them have much in the way of credibility. Will another celebrity dancing and singing make you buy their product when you're struggling to buy food?
How do I propose Coca Cola ensure there's substance to their new "we care about you" campaign? By getting involved in the issues that are concerning their customers and strategically making friends of their enemies (critics). It's no secret that recent scandals have been incredibly bad news for corporate publicist. Marketing has to also do double duty as PR (as the root of relationship building) if it is to yield the desired, increased earnings.
From my initial research it seems the drop in sales seems to be related to two main issues, poverty and enviromental concern about the use of plastics. The return of bottles has been a struggle for the company because it was a consumer demand not the company's agenda which resulted in the trend. It seems this is especially true in countries like India. Why?
Unemployment and underemployment mean money is tight. When money is tight softdrinks are a luxury that is within reach only when it is connected to a larger concern like making money. Yes, even if it's only a few cents because when you have nothing a few cents puts you closer to a few dollars.
The other group, enviromentalists, are only going to satisfied with solutions deal directly with the problem. Could the two problems be transformed into a strategic solution? I think so, but that's not how the executives at Coke are looking at it.
My recommendation, not only to Coca Cola, but all of you is to approach your customers with genuine respect as partners in a relationship. Adhere to the same principles that nurture relationships, chiefly caring about the other party.
I'd love to talk to you about your thoughts on how to accomplish this. Go ahead and drop me a note and tell me what you think.
URL: Coca-Cola expects earnings decline in 2004
Mumbling and Grumbling
from The Daily Reckoning
Check out my blogroll or start your own. A blogroll is the list of blogs you subscribe to. Using Bloglines.com helps me stay updated on them all by going to one place. Let me know what you think after you check it out.
Until next time.....
---Anna Quindlen
I wish all the best,
Yvette Dubel