Making It Work For You
-Fernanda Rossi, The Documentary Doctor NYC, USA
Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success brought to you by Enhancement Consulting: Providing strategy-consulting services for your personal life, small businesses and non-profit organizations---Specializing in entrepreneurship as a tool and platform for personal development.
How're things going for you so far? I have some good news for you. I've just added a "send this post to a friend" icon. It appears at the end of the each post as a small envelope. Just click it and you can send any post in this blog to your friends or colleagues.
Did you download those gifts yet? If you haven't go do that now. You can use them as incentive bonuses or as thank you gifts for your web visitors, or as resources for yourself.
Maybe you're one of the people that's emailed telling me you want to start a part time online business or use the internet to market your existing offline business and you don't know where to start...
I recommend that you use the internet to build a relationship either with existing or potential customers. Stop thinking of a website as a quick sale mechanism. The proliferation of website sales pitches has resulted in jaded web surfers. Think of your website as an interactive online brochure. It's important to have an idea of the direction you want to take with your website in terms of what your customers need.
If you're like me when I first launched my site a few years ago, you had no idea it would be such a long term project. It's constantly evolving to attain its own state of perfection as a destination site for your customers. In my case, as you make your needs clearer to me, the site moves towards meeting them.
A study released by Yahoo! And Grey Worldwide, San Francisco reported that Small to Midsize Business decision makers spend more than 5 hours a day consuming information. In fact, this group spends the most time on the Internet.
Here's a fact for you, recent studies show most people go online to find information, not buy a product. The savvy buyer collects information first. Depending on the product or service, the relationship building can be vital.
Some services, like mine, require that people get a chance to get to know me. In the end your consultant or personal coach will be chosen because you feel you can trust them at a gut level and you just seem to get on with them well. In part, this means they don't make you feel judged but supported.
It's like a stumble that results in your sprained ankle and having that friend who offers you hand to help you up and then let's you lean on them as you limp home, as opposed to that "friend" who just points and laughs.
That's why I give you the chance to consult with me without any risk or obligation. For services more so than products (though there are certainly exceptions) the follow up is at the heart of relationship building.
But products, like a wall clock, wouldn't require much more than an online catalog and secure ordering. However, even the wall clock shopper is likely to do some research for just the right clock with right features at just the right price before pulling out her credit card. Now that's not to say that customer relationships in that case have no value, but the focus shifts to retention.
An interesting additional note about who's spending time online....Did you know that as far as age demographics seniors (people over 55) spend the most time online?
OK, so now for the hard question. What are your customers doing online? If they aren't online yet, then give them a reason to venture into cyber reality. How you wonder? One of the most obvious answers comes from the hottest trend- - - offering digital products such as ebooks, software, java scripts, web/blog templates, and niche focused information.
What makes it hot? The fact that people venture online to find information. That study I mentioned previously by Yahoo! And Grey Worldwide, San Francisco also indicated that business owners reported Web sites topping the list of “critical” marketing tools (69%), followed by search engine keywords (36%), and community relations (35%). Other “critical” marketing tools included email marketing (24%), direct mail (22%), and the Yellow Pages (12%).
Interestingly Thomas Industrial Network’s study indicated that 55% of buyers found lack of specific product information to be a chief complaint and reason for going elsewhere to do business.
"Yvette Dubel has created an e-book that covers all the basics and gives some pretty interesting resources to boot. I like to think that I know about lots of resources, and I do. But it's a big world out there, and I am the first to admit I don't know everything."
Bal Simon
Tools that can reduce the time investment of locating what you need have undisputed value. If such a tool can also provide revenue by allowing you to resell it and keep 100% of the money then its value is definitely enhanced.
Get Your Free Copy
What's On Your Mind?
From time to time you know I like to share (only after you grant permission) questions or interesting situations that you share with me. This is especially true when I think it's something others will benefit from. How is this determined?
When I keep hearing about the same scenario again and again, I know it's not an isolated problem. Stories like the one I'm about to share are probably one of the most common reasons that people decide to work with me for life strategy help after another bad relationship or break up.
It was a morning like any other. I stood motionless for a time trying to decide whether to check the voice mail messages or email first. My English Mastiff circled me excitedly and my mind was made up for me. She needed to go outside, so I'd have my coffee while I checked the voice mail on the cordless phone.
I had three messages two from a client we'll call Terri and one from my Mom. As is my mother's way she was calling to remind me that I hadn't called her all week. I guess Terri had forgotten about the time difference because her message was left at 12:11am. From the sound of her voice it was clear she was in tears,"I don't know what happened. We were getting along so well. We went away for the weekend and all of a sudden it's over..."
In the second message she sounded more in control but still uneasy. I could almost hear the pacing in her voice. "I left him another message...All I want is an explanation. You don't send an email breaking up with someone and not even tell them why...I should have walked away when he left with that other woman while I was sitting waiting for him...I just thought..."
When we finally caught up to each other I reminded her of all the signals she had dismissed in the beginning (a whole week ago) when last spoke. I had advised against going away for the weekend, but it was ultimately her choice.
"I know. I keep falling for these guys who are impossible to get next to," Terri said sounding exhausted. "It's as if I want to torture myself, even after all these years of therapy. I guess I just don't want to end up alone..."
Very often I find it's not until people hit their own rock bottom, like in alcohol recovery, that they're really ready to do something different to free themselves of self destructive patterns.
Don't think I'm being sexist...I could tell similar stories about men.
How does entrepreneurship work to address stubborn relationship patterns? Business success depends on relationships and knowing how to navigate them. That means reading the subtle cues and acting strategically to achieve win-win situations. I have found time and time again that my approach allows us to come in the back door without stirring up all your usual defenses. Chief among them is focusing on the other person.
Stop. Pay close attention to this.
The same issues that get in the way of professional progress hinder personal progress, especially in relationships. The reason? Because you are the common element any solution must begin there. Here's another fact for you, you are the only element you have control over in any given situation.
I have found that simple NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques can work wonders when combined with my strategic planning system to pull self destructive tendencies out at the root. The key is addressing your core needs and understanding how even self destructive behaviors are a "mal-attempt" to satisfy them. Amazingly, my tried and tested Simple Plan System works for personal and organizational strategic planning because it goes to the heart of what's going on by focusing on what you care most about, results.
L. Stone - NJ, USA
To usher in your success filled future my system will teach you the following things that you must know to build a life that outshines your past.
· You need to know specifically how to define your business or organization in the market.
· You need to know exactly how to combat opposition to your goals.
· You need to know the secret of not getting mired in bad relationships and ensuring the good ones keep working (professional or personal).
· You need to know how cutting edge application of thought leadership and relationship marketing can transform your business and your personal life.
· You need to know precisely how to apply this new information to your specific circumstances to reveal your best life.
· You need to know how to plot your strategy for success, consistently, for every situation, professional and personal.
· You need to know how to build flexibility into your strategic plans, so that nothing derails your progress.
· You need to know how thought leadership and relationship marketing principles will change your life for the better.
Hey, we both know what inaction is going to yield, more of the same. If you want something different….something better, now is the time to take action. The present is the point of power. The past is behind you and the future remains ahead, waiting to be created by what you do right now. Invest in your future and contact me now.
Here for your success,
Yvette Dubel
Enhancement Consulting
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