Monday, September 27, 2004

The Forum Is Open, Come Post

Hi all,

I hope you read my message last week announcing my special offer, if you didn't visit the web site for details and be on the look out for more news in the next ezine update. I'll be showing off a new format and new content in the next issue so keep an eye out for that tomorrow. Oh, and for everyone that thought I should add my picture to the site...I've finally done it. What'd you think of the new look of the web site?

Also, some of you had requested that I add a forum and after considerable deliberation I have decided to give it a test run. Whether or not it stays will depend on how you use it. My reason for adding this is so that we can connect
and build a community that empowers each of you to do what needs to be done.

The forum is called "Relationship Rescue" and it features the following boards:
Professional Relationships that Pay
Reclaiming Yourself
Singles Speak,
and Infidelity Survival
Currently my lonely post is echoing through the board chambers....waiting for you to respond.
Take moment to stop by and DO pass this message on to friends, encouraging them to post. And if they take advantage of the risk free offer at the website you still get the thank you gifts, not to mention my personal gratitude.

Don't be a stranger, I love hearing from you....And I hope this proves I really do listen to your feedback, so keep it coming.

All my best,
Yvette Dubel
Explode Your Potential
Listen to Behind the Veil Live!