Monday, June 07, 2004


Your thoughts are the seeds of your success,
but it is your actions that form the roots.--Yvette Dubel

You know how it is when you're moving. Treasured items are rediscovered. Please check the previous post again. I've created another page just for you to view that great info I uncovered in my Treasure of Resources.

I had some problems posting it in the ezine, but where there's a will there's a way. I will employ this method in the future as I find information I am too excited about sharing to wait until the next official ezine edition.

I would like to convene an online focus group of people recovering from a relationship breakup or seeking relationship advice. I am especially seeking those of you with an interest in self help improvement and financial freedom (entrepreneurship). If you, or anyone you know meets that criteria please refer them to Enhancement Consulting. (use the email link on the contact page with subject line "Focus Group")

Here's that special page I mentioned Your Special Resource Page

As always, you are invited to share your stories, comments, or questions here. Feel free to inquire about ad exchanges using the contact info at the web site.

Here for your success,
Y. Dubel

Niche Marketing Secrets
Ezine Marketing Center


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