Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Changes Implemented, Check it Out!

Your thoughts are the seeds of your success, but it is your actions that form the roots.

--Yvette Dubel


The answer to last issues Trivia Questions:

Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
A. Honey

Q. What separates "60 Minutes," on CBS, from every other TV show?
A. No theme song/music.

Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
A. Their birthplace. This is called propinquity.

New Trivia

Q. What do more women do in the bathroom than men?

Q. What trivia fact about Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny) is most ironic?

Motivational Appetizer

To follow, without halt, one aim: There's the secret of success.
Anna Pavlova (1885 - 1931)


Welcome back for a new edition of Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success Ezine aka my blog ;-) I didn't publish this yesterday because it was my 14th wedding anniversary and I decided a day off was in order. As much as love what I do, I also enjoy being Dave's wife ;-D

As I mentioned in my last update the ezine is changing format. Instead of a big monthly issue I’ll be publishing weekly with shorter editions. I’ve also had some of my friends come together to share special offers with you as my subscribers. We’ll talk more about that in a second.

Another change is going to be in the content. I’m going to be switching to more of a conversational format where I initiate a discussion with you on topics that are of interest to me. This can include current events or a new product, whatever it is I will be using it to show how strategic deployment of relationships is at work or should be.

You may recall that I recently announced the new Relationship Rescue forum at Post Here
Now the conversations I start in the ezine will be excerpts with the my full comments being posted in the appropriate forum board. For instance, this week I’ll be talking about Coca Cola’s failure to live up to the optimistic earning projects made earlier and what we can learn about relationship strategy that drives sales. I’ll post the full content of my comments on the Professional Relationships that Pay board. I'll be also be exploring Bill Moyers' PBS program Now that recently did an extremely interesting story on the Presidential debates.

In addition, in celebration of my 14th wedding anniversary, I’m offering several thank you gifts to you. Yep, I'm giving you gifts for my anniversary!

Dr. Mani of the Ezine Marketing Center has extended a great offer to my friends to help me celebrate this special anniversary. You get an unbeatable deal on Dr. Mani’s EZ-Ezine e-class in 7 easy lessons.
Just go here to take advantage of it today
here to take advantage of it today

I’m also giving you free (brandable) ebooks that you can distribute. What does that mean? It means that you can give them away as is, or brand them with your own links to promote your website, build your mailing list, and promote products that pay. This is your 24/7 sales rep. Just click the links to download and start distributing them to your visitor, customers or subscribers.

Greatest Marketing Secrets revealed

Do you want the secret of viral list building? Here it is…..
My email course ( Plus this Viral List Building ebook. Best of all they are both yours without cost.
Viral List Building Use them both to build your own list.
I’ll be posting links to additional gifts through out the week so keep checking back. I’ll be adding these bonuses to the website next week, but today I am sharing them only with you and forum visitors right now.

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Can We Talk?

Did anyone else see Bill Moyers Now on Sunday morning? Unfortunately, that show hasn’t been added to the show archive yet, and I thought about waiting until it was to discuss it. But it’s on my mind now so I’ll just go for it. Won't you join me?

Basically, the show revealed how behind closed door deals (contracts) are carried out between the two major parties to put on a farce of a presidential debate. Essentially, it amounted to putting on a carefully choreographed performance intended to simulate a real debate. The questions, the moderators, and the candidates have all gone Hollywood where the movie like set is more important than the substance of what the constituents deserve.

The problem I see with this as a professional relationship strategy….go to the forum to
read the rest of what I have to say on this and then be sure to share your thoughts.


F'ree Subscriptions
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What You Must Learning From Coca Cola

I had settled down to work, cup of coffee in hand, wondering how I could show you how we can learn from what the big dogs do. The music coming from my computer speakers floated around me, tempting me to join in the song....And that’s when I got it.

What happened to those optimistic projections about Coca Cola’s earnings? If you read the Wall Street Journal (even occasionally) you’ve read about this. But just in case you don’t know I’ll fill you in and show you what you can learn from it.

The CEO of Coke, E. Neville Isdell, came out of retirement earlier this summer to lead the company. Mr. Isdell in his recent conference call with investors and analysts said, “…There really is no one mantra that will magically maximize our vast opportunities in the marketplace. What it takes is this company moving onto the offensive, anticipating consumer needs and clearly executing.” He also pointed to the company’s struggle to handle a move to returnable bottles in the stores.

While Coke has been phasing out glass bottles for almost a decade now, there has also been a simultaneous consumer led campaign to keep them, going as far as calling for a boycott.

To effectively understand how a relationship strategy needs to be formed by what we do know about our consumers I suggest we turn our attention to exploration of “why” questions. Why the demand for returnable bottles? And why did this translate into a reduction in sales?

First, I suspect that high unemployment and underemployment have a lot to do with it. During lean times when every dollar counts and that becomes the bottom line of spending. So, extras like soft drinks are the first to be eliminated, unless it helps satisfy a more pertinent need like earning money. The second major issue I suspect as a contributing factor are environmental concerns. This is not just speculation as there’s been a buzz since the mid-1990’s calling for limited use of plastic in packaging and Coke was one of the major targets of these campaigns.

Using this example what would I recommend as the next step? Go to the the forum to
read the rest of what I have to say on this and then be sure to share your thoughts.

Before We Part....

I think we can call that a wrap. But I do want to invite you again to share your thoughts with me on the new format and the topics. Tell me what your interest or concerns are and how I can better address them.

Some of you out there, and you know who you are, requested the forums and now that I've added them....Well, I haven't heard from you. What gives?

You told me you wanted me to create more of a community where you could interact and I did it.

Oh, and please look at the previous issue or the web site to get the details of the referral rewards I'm now offering.

Until next time....
I wish you only the best as I am.....

Here for Your Success,
Yvette Dubel
Enhancement Consulting


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