Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's All About Change

Your thoughts are the seeds of your success, but it is your actions that form the roots.
--Yvette Dubel

Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success brought to you by Enhancement Consulting: Your Source For Solutions Today. Providing strategy-consulting services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Also offering personal coaching, specializing in entrepreneurship as a tool and platform for self-improvement and thought leadership.

Motivating Morsels

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy
Norman Vincent Peale

Motivating News

Welcome to the latest edition of Elements of Your Simple Plan for Success!
Actually, this is more like the pre-edition. It's been awhile since you've heard from me and I'm so excited about the great news I'll be announcing in the next few days!

If you want a preview go to the web site. Speaking of the web site...have you seen the new look? The site is being relaunched this Monday with a more stream lined and hopefully easier to navigate format. The main pages are done, so I'll be uploading the Simple Plan Resource Center pages in the meantime. But you're free to check it out and share your thoughts.

I'm also pleased to announce that my husband Dave and I will celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary on Tues. Septemeber 28, 2004. What's this mean for you? I'll be making a special offer just for you that I'll be announcing on Tues. and I'll sweeten the pot the for those that take advantage of my other free no risk offers.

As if that weren't enough I've joined forces with some of my pals to maximize this opportunity for you, then if you refer more than two people- - - have I got thank you gifts for you!

This is so exciting!

If you have ever considered taking advantage of my services or buying my products this is the offer you can't refuse because their's no risk for you.

Alright, that's it for now. I've already said too much. Stay tuned and stay in touch.

Here for your success,
Yvette Dubel


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