What is blog-worthiness?
--Yvette Dubel
Appetizer Intro
I know that was a huge meal I delivered for you in the last issue, but I thought maybe you'd consider a light brunch this time around. As I get more feedback from those of you discovering my blog gathering place it appears these bits of information that I digest regularly provide valued content for you.
Since this is an appetizer, I'll keep it light.
Did you get the not so veiled Seinfeld reference in the title? Actually, it was an email from a blog search engine (autoresponder). My blog was accepted and I began to think....Is this standard email notification a blog-worthy event?
I mean, I'm a little happy about it because it increases the potential visibility of my blog without adding to my expenses...but does that make it blog-worthy?
Well, since I'm now writing about it here, I suppose there's the answer.
What's the point to all this? I'm illustrating how the bottom line comes down to internal process(es) that underscore the value of fine tuning your relationship with yourself.
I got a standard auto responder email, but it sparked a humorous memory so it stuck with with me. I may have actually laughed out loud. The recollection was a Seinfeld episode where Elaine is hording contraceptive sponges and begins to interview potential "partners" on the basis of sponge-worthiness.
Do you think that's what the writer of that email intended? I seriously doubt that's what the team over at http://www.blogsearchengine.com had in mind when they crafted that auto responder message or approved my blog for inclusion. But because of it I found a somewhat interesting way of including their link in my blog to support more favorable positioning in their blog search engine.
This is the mundane, day in and day out, practice of relationship marketing principles. It qualifies as because the search engine is a tool for first contact, or relationship engagement. This is the point where you hope to convince the searcher to become a visitor and potential customer.
Remember that study I mentioned in the last issue conducted by Yahoo! And Grey Worldwide, San Francisco? It indicated that business owners reported Web sites topping the list of “critical” marketing tools (69%), followed by search engine keywords (36%), and community relations (35%).
Other “critical” marketing tools included email marketing (24%), direct mail (22%), and the Yellow Pages (12%). If you want to know the secret to successful spam-free email marketing based on the best priniciples of relationship marketing send a blank message to ydubel@freeautobot.com
Now one last key piece of information you need to know before the plates are cleared... why buyers go in search of your Web site? The answer: to find information.
Amazingly Thomas Industrial Network’s study indicates that 55% of buyers found lack of specific product information to be a chief complaint and reason for going elsewhere to do business.
My Simple Plan System(c) turns this into an advantage and uses your email campaign to supplement your Web site while also satisfying the visitors primary need: to attain information about your product(s) and how they will benefit.
In fact, to make learning about my services and how they can help you even easier I've added online customer service chat to the Web site. This is my first week test running the program, but I'd love to use to to talk with you and explore ways it can be used to provide even better service for you.
If you've been thinking about giving me a try, stop by http://www.enhancementconsulting.net to talk to me about it. The instant chat will provide extremely easy delivery for those wanting to utilize the "ask your question" service.
Are you struggling to recover from a break up or a history of bad relationships? Do you know someone who is? I have a F R E E personal coaching solution that will guide the way from Heartbreak to Elation. Don’t worry if you change your mind there’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message.
Get F r e e Heartbreak Rescue by sending a blank email to: ec-rescue@freeautobot.com
It's been a pleasure as always and I look forward to the next time. And remember if you have anything need to know to make a final decision on one of my products, just stop by and talk to me about it. If I'm not there let's set up an appointment time.
Be well and know always that I am.....
Here for your Success,
Y. Dubel
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