FREE Sticky Content & FREE Personal Growth Solutions
I'm happy to report to you that soon you'll be able to get sticky content for your website that is automatically updated without you having to do anything except place a tiny bit of code on your web page. Doing that is simple. You'll just copy/paste it. This free dynamic content will be delivered in channels with each news ticker having a specific focus to help fill the need for dynamic automatically update content for niche websites.The first one released provides tips in connection with one of the largest niche markets being promoted today. Do you have any idea which market that is? Self Improvement.
What's even more dynamic and unique about the NEW DAY SELF IMPROVEMENT news ticker is that subscribers questions on relationships or personal growth/self improvement will sometimes be published with my professional reply. New Day readers will also get special announcements and exlusive offers. (But they'll be made to the mailing list first.)
Oh, and you do know that you get

All you have to do now is subscribe and send your request for the source code to place at your website. That's it, just a few simple steps and you get FREE sticky content that is automatically remotely updated to produce dynamic content that will give your visitors another reason to return to your website.
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Think Again-B Aware-B Responsible-Bcome INVISIBLE 2 Internet Predators-TODAY! Find Out Now. Just Run the Fr_e Computer Security Test for Peace-of-Mind : click me! Remember U, UR FAMILY AND UR BUSINESS R @ Risk-Right Now! Unknown Domestic
New! Patented Water Enhancer Sweeps Country
Not a Filter. Not a Machine. It's X20
Simply drop a sachet ("tea bag") in to 18-24 ozs of regular water, shake, let sit for 5 minutes, and then "Enjoy a beverage unlike any other".
Instantly, regular H20 is transformed in to an X20 "Super Beverage"
X20 hydrates better and has a higher pH rating ("alkalizes" better)than: Gatorade, AMP, Apple Juice, Powerade, Cranberry Juice, Red Bull and other so-called "Energizing Drinks"
I looked for two years on the interent and finally found a place that has people that LOOK AND READ your website. Awesome Business people here!! Join for free, and look around.
God Bless
Christykay Beasley
Dear Friend !
Everything You Could Possibly need Is Right Here !
Fast Selling Software
The ultimate collection of quality software that you can use yourself and also sell to others. You keep all the profit! You get 25 quality software titles included, all of which you get resell rights to, so you can profit from every sale! (Comes with Resale Right and Mini Website.)
Our Members Area Is Packed Full With SUPER POWERFUL Traffic/Marketing Products
Is your head spinning searching for the perfect business? A concept so simple I am amazed it has not been done before. You have the chance to get in at the very top before the masses join. You will want on our team. We expect many of our team members to make 5 figures in the first 30 days. Will you be one of them ?
DO YOU HAVE $5 to invest in your future?
HUGE profits
Hi everybody!
EASY MONEY WEBSITE is GROWING like wildfire! I joined it
just a few days ago, and already 51 paid sign ups in my
downline (!) People are joining it because no other program
offers you so much for so little!
This program offers you both:
There are many ways to get visitors to your site, we can help you choose which one to use. When starting your web marketing campaign you need to consider many things, budget, time, and even the type of visitor you need. Take a minute to look over the different options available to you.
Go ahead and take a good look i think you will be glad you did.
How good is the water you are drinking for you?
It does not matter where you get it from, none of the water we drink is capable of providing the proper hydration of our cells.
Turn your water(H2O)into SUPER water(X2O).
XOOMA, when added to your drinking water, increases the PH of the water so it can move through the cell wall easier to take in nutrients,remove toxins and provide our bodies with the ultimate refreshment they need.
You can learn all about XOOMA by going to; if you need to, copy and paste.
Your body will thank you for it.
What is YOUR Health Worth?
XOOMA costs just $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping for a 30 day supply. It is time for you to transform your water from H2O to X2O for the ultimate way to hydrate and refresh your body.
This is the finest solution the internet has ever produced for average people like you and me to succeed! I'm on a "never-look-back-again" road and I highly recommend you join me... you owe it to yourself to at least take a look, this is like nothing else you've seen before.
If you are smart enough to recognize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when it's hammering on your door,you need yourself to at least take a look.
A seat at the table is reserved for you …
Dan G
Chain Letter… Invest $22
The Human body does not produce Vitamin C.
Just eating right isn't enough anymore. You
MUST supplement with Vitamin C and it must be
in the appropriate form to be recognized by
the human body.
Our Vitamin C is a natural, whole-food source
that is far better than other Vitamin C
products that use synthetic forms of ascorbic
acid which the human body cannot absorb.
I have been using this Vitamin C for years
and I no longer ever get the common cold or
the flu.
Vitamin C with Electrolytes
RentaGammer Where Programmers come together
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Blast Your Ad and Earn $$$$$$$
Cash-Blaster - Don't Miss It!
You could get 50,000 visitors to your website, 1,000,000 banner ad impressions, or win additional cash and prizes.
It's the Safelist that pays you every month. Increase the response rate to all of your programs by marketing with one of the best safelists on the net. Watch your profits sizzle.
You'll never get tired of promoting this site, because your income will grow every month. Go with the safelist that pays Every Month. You don't have to worry about getting paid. This group has never missed paying their affiliates. Check out all of the incentives and sign up FREE today.
To Your Success
Jas White Marketing
10510 Royal Oaks Dr.
Houston, Tx 77016
Or How About A $3,750 Check
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You could get 50,000 visitors to your website, 1,000,000 banner ad impressions, or win additional cash and prizes.
It's the Safelist that pays you every month. Increase the response rate to all of your programs by marketing with one of the best safelists on the net. Watch your profits sizzle.
You'll never get tired of promoting this site, because your income will grow every month. Go with the safelist that pays Every Month. You don't have to worry about getting paid. This group has never missed paying their affiliates. Check out all of the incentives and sign up FREE today.
To Your Success
Jas White Marketing
10510 Royal Oaks Dr.
Houston, Tx 77016
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Get instant access to this amazing collection of fast selling niche products that people will be literally throwing money at you to buy from your website!
You'll have FULL MASTER RESELL RIGHTS to this entire collection! This means you could sell them individually (you get ready made sales websites for each product), you could repackage them, or you can just resell this entire package. You'll even get a copy of this exact web site to help you sell everything.
Go There Now!
Hello My Bloggers
Derrick Nylander here with some exciting news and hoping you are in good health.
I hope your business is doing well. Mine is just exploding and I'm very pressed for time at the moment. I am helping a lot of people generate an extra automated income stream on-line.
If you are open to add another income stream to your portfolio and would like to become a part of the largest industry in the world please read the details below and be sure to request additional information.
Like you I have been involved with network marketing and earning an income from home. We are probably alike and have not earned a great deal of money in most of our On-line ventures.
Here is my question - are you open to looking at a winning opportunity? I know I can show you a program that is different than all the others and I am actually starting to earn a great income for once.
The program is also low maintenance in other words it does not cost much to run it after everything is set up. I would love for you to take a look at what is considered to be a Real Business and not just another one of those so called business opportunity And if this is not for you I still would like to say thank you for your time and continue to wish you the best in all of your endeavors.
Here are the details
Big Trips Small Trips Three day Getaways 14 day exotic adventures Trips by Land Sea or Air you name it.That is why travel is a $5 Trillion industry and Growing every day.
But the industry is changing. Your most successful Travel Agencies are no longer the brick and mortar buildings of the past but the click and mortar agencies of the Future.
Our Travel
Believe it !!! No charges, no hidden costs, No Forced Monthy purchases,
Yes - free samples to dealers, manufacturer direct - solid 12 year old company, Compare -- these are really LOW costs, Paid daily, Free Sites with Complete Back Office - soft ware in place, Free Personalized DrinkACTWorldwide Website...
And did I mention --------- no costs, nada, zip,,,, ever .. now or later none, honest. Australia
Considered by some industry analysts as being the ultimate in building material for homes, Custom Super Homes introduces a new patented process that uses waste wood such as discarded wood pallets, chips and sawdust to produce new wall panels used in the construction of a new home.
Offering the equivalent of R-75 insulation, able to withstand fire for more than four hours and capable of handling wind gusts over 145 miles per hour this new building material promises to be energy efficient, fire-proof, wind-proof, water-proof, bullet-proof and seismically superior than any building material on the market today.
This new process is likely to revolutionize the way homes are built in the future. Not only will it reduce the cost of building a new home, it is also ecologically correct by recycling wood-related waste products that might have been discarded. The company is also offering various ground-level sales and manufacturing opportunities that are explained in more detail on the internet.
To view the video that explains this new process, the rigorous testing involved and job opportunities visit the web site at click me!
A few weeks ago a remarkable new program launched that get's a ton of new traffic to your web site and earns you $Money while you do it..
Read just one of the testimonials from some happy people...
Hi Jodi,
I am also a beginner, and takes me a while to catch on but using your program - even as a free member, my website achieved a popularity score of 3 on Google in less than a week, and wasn't even on the radar prior to using
the Traffic Panther. I haven't even implemented the full submission strategy yet. Needless to say, I will be upgrading tomorrow as it is getting very late.
Thanks Jodi,
Kal Arabi
Windsor, Ontario Canada
Last week here are the commissions people earned simply by sending our pre-written email ad to other people:
Lerory T. earned $580.00 in just one week
Milton L. earned $560.00 in just one week
Tony R. $483.00 the first week
Simome R. $465.00 the first week
Alie R. $465.00 the first week
Joseph C. $387.00 the first week.
..and the list goes on.
Within another month I fully expect many of these people to begin earning over $1000 a week just giving away the secret I'm about to reveal to you.
"How To Get 1000's Of Free Visits From Google This Week
"How You Can Make $600 A Week Even If No One Buys Your Online Product Or Your Affiliate Product!
"How To Get Listed On Google In 3 Days Guaranteed
"Plus.. How To Make A Fortune Giving These Secrets Away For Free
NOTE: This is a Limited Offer.
We can only allow 487 people to take full advantage of this amazing new Traffic generating program and m
DO YOU HAVE $5 to invest in your future?
HUGE profits
Earn part time or full time income from the comfort of your home. Vortex Marketing Group has access to the latest software and technology education systems.
We are presently seeking self motivated individuals world wide who would like to introduce new technologies to the world via the internet.
Be one of the first in your region to offer these and thousands of other technology products.
Have you figure out the problem with all of the online opportunities yet?
You should begin to see that it doesn't really matter what kind of system are out there simply because all you ever need to do is refer. If you can refer thousands of people, does it matter what kinds of system are out there?
No, I didn't think so.
Since you're not making millions of dollars yet, that means while it is easy for some people to promote, it is extremely hard for others.
In orders to understand what methods best suit you, and what kind of support best suit your referrals to maximize the promoting efforts, it is important to identify which type of marketers are you and your referrals.
To find out about the 4 different types of marketers and the different ways to motivate them to give their best performance and truly help YOU build you team, please click on the link below:
Hello My Bloggers
Derrick Nylander here with some exciting news and hoping you are in good health.
I hope your business is doing well. Mine is just exploding and I'm very pressed for time at the moment. I am helping a lot of people generate an extra automated income stream on-line.
If you are open to add another income stream to your portfolio and would like to become a part of the largest industry in the world please read the details below and be sure to request additional information.
Like you I have been involved with network marketing and earning an income from home. We are probably alike and have not earned a great deal of money in most of our On-line ventures.
Here is my question - are you open to looking at a winning opportunity? I know I can show you a program that is different than all the others and I am actually starting to earn a great income for once.
The program is also low maintenance in other words it does not cost much to run it after everything is set up. I would love for you to take a look at what is considered to be a Real Business and not just another one of those so called business opportunity And if this is not for you I still would like to say thank you for your time and continue to wish you the best in all of your endeavors.
Here are the details
Big Trips Small Trips Three day Getaways 14 day exotic adventures Trips by Land Sea or Air you name it.That is why travel is a $5 Trillion industry and Growing every day.
But the industry is changing. Your most successful Travel Agencies are no longer the brick and mortar buildings of the past but the click and mortar agencies of the Future.
Our Travel
Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure that’s not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
Have you always dreamed of owning your own profitable Web based business? Find
out how this can become a totally FREE reality!
Write down this code: (113088) and visit
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I bet I could make you money, build your mailing list, send you real traffic and achieve it all without you having to do one thing.
Best of all, I can do all of this for you f|r|e|e
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Top mar.keters have been quoted saying:
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Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure that’s not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
If you are looking for some quality niche products to
profit from (at an almost insulting low price) then...
Click here:
It's a way to start your own niche business - without
wasting ANY time creating your own ebooks!
Yes, you don't need to write a word.
I know that many people won't get this package because
of the low price. Well, let me tell you, it didn't stop me. ;-)
Check this out... you'll love it
Dear $FNAME$,
Today, I'm honored to announce the release of what is, perhaps,
the most informative, shocking, and inspiring Corey Rudl audio
recording of all time.
For 150 minutes (and 29 seconds) you will be a fly on the
wall as the two "GREAT LEGENDS" of Internet marketing and
direct marketing -- Corey and the outrageous Dan Kennedy --
How you can make MILLIONS of dollars using the Internet
teamed up with direct mail, radio, TV, classified ads,
Yellow Page ads, infomercials, and MORE!
You'll hear Corey reveal how he made over $40 Million in
Internet sales and taught 1,000s of "real people" how to
make massive incomes of $100,000.00 to $2.5 MILLION (or more!)
per year with the Internet...
You'll hear Dan Kennedy, the legendary GOD of direct (offline)
marketing, talk about how he's made hundreds of MILLIONS of
dollars for his clients, including companies like Amway and
the $200-million-per-year Gunthy-Renker Corporation...
But BEST OF ALL, you'll hear these Millionaire Marketing
Geniuses reveal "advanced" profit secrets that -- until
now -- were reserved for their "inner circle" of close,
personal friends!
For example...
You'll hear the AMAZING true story of two guys who sold almost
IDENTICAL products, with the SAME offer, to the SAME
audience -- yet one guy made $2 Million MORE... all thanks
to just one simple strategy! PLUS, you'll learn which 2
blockbuster marketing ideas Corey got from Dan that made him
over $100,000 in profits (that's cash in hand!) -- in less
affordable advertising
affordable advertising
FREE Special Report tells you how! Learn how to publish a simple
ezine that will boost your business, make you famous, and grow a
massive mailing list you can market to over and over. Go to:
Dear Friend,
I am glad you finally found this website. What you are about to read will definitely turn your life around and have you change your concept on doing business Online.
Its the 'Business Professionals', where the Worlds most Successful Online Business Owners spill their secrets.
Membership here is Limited. First 250 people to claim an Exclusive Membership will be admited for A Buck.?
Join Now and Learn Something Valuable in the next Fifteen Minutes!
PPS: Click Below
Dear Friend,
I am glad you finally found this website. What you are about to read will definitely turn your life around and have you change your concept on doing business Online.
Its the 'Business Professionals', where the Worlds most Successful Online Business Owners spill their secrets.
Membership here is Limited. First 250 people to claim an Exclusive Membership will be admited for A Buck.?
Join Now and Learn Something Valuable in the next Fifteen Minutes!
PPS: Click Below
Dear Friend,
I am glad you finally found this website. What you are about to read will definitely turn your life around and have you change your concept on doing business Online.
Its the 'Business Professionals', where the Worlds most Successful Online Business Owners spill their secrets.
Membership here is Limited. First 250 people to claim an Exclusive Membership will be admited for A Buck.?
Join Now and Learn Something Valuable in the next Fifteen Minutes!
PPS: Click Below
Disappointed in many of the programs that you have joined on line ?
Have no luck at all trying to refer ?
Well, don't give up yet !!
Nobody is born a skilled marketer. All you need is the right tool, and the right guidance.
Here at Reality-Networkers, a group of dedicated, active promoters are getting paid by us to HELP YOU promote !!
That's right !!
These people are willing to tell you, step by step, what kind of ads they are using, what kind of promotion tools they are using, and where they post their ads to.
And all you have to do, is follow the instruction and try to learn from those steps and become a top marketer yourself !!!
Don't just tell yourself that you cannot refer and give up. For sure that’s not how you've learned to ride a bicycle right ? All you need is the proper support and guidance.
Please follow the link below to find out how you can benefit from Reality-Networkers for FREE right away !!
Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
I don't normally send out emails like this, but
this one is important.
You may have heard people talking about
"Instant Buzz" over the last few weeks. I've
been using it myself and the results have
been fantastic (by far the best fr*e
advertising system I've seen).
Normally participation is by invitation only (I
was lucky enough to get an invitation), but
they're opening it up to the public
from September 1st through September 4th.
It's important that you check this out before
they change it back to invitation-only. You'll
regret it if you don't.
Anyway, check out the above link for details.
That will explain the system better than I can.
All I can say is that the results for me so far
have been superb.
If you have any questions, please don't
hesitate to write me back. Just be sure to
install it first before you write, as it only
takes a few seconds and it's very easy to use.
Looking forward to talking to you once you have
it installed! I can also talk to you via the
community they have set up once you're inside.
E-TradeXchange is proud 2 announce we now
accept e-Bullion 4 E-currency Exchange
We Provide Ecurrency Exchanges For E-gold
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Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
Email Autoresponders Have Finally Evolved to...
RSS Autoresponders. Introducing RSS AutoPublisher! Broadcast messages
Not a Filter. Not a Machine. It's X20
Simply drop a sachet ("tea bag") in to 18-24 ozs of regular
water, shake, let sit for 5 minutes, and then "Enjoy a beverage
unlike any other".
Instantly, regular H20 is transformed in to an X20 "Super Beverage"
X20 hydrates better and has a higher pH rating ("alkalizes" better)
than: Gatorade, AMP, Apple Juice, Powerade, Cranberry Juice, Red Bull
and other so-called "Energizing Drinks"
NEW... And, a Big Winner! The TEAMinator is an Ideal Marriage of a straight-line doubler (for Passive participants) with an exciting 2 x 2 Matrix (for Active marketers). Launch late on Tuesday, September 6th, when our personalized URLs and the signup function will become active. Easy, flexible and profitable -- Join for FREE ASAP; then become a paying participant after your due diligence is completed. The TEAMinator will be an effective, generic universal feeder for any other type of program YOU may want to promote. The TEAMinator deserves your immediate attention, today... and it is one to watch for the indefinite future. It has most of the appeal of another program that has paid its members $93 million, but none of the negative aspects of it.
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PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICE $17 mth. Family Coverage.
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Groups Mailer Real Yahoo and Safelist Groups
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Dear RN,
$12,500 Sign On for Registered Nurses seeking positions in Anchorage, Alaska! Get finacially set for Christmas! Openings on both days and nights for the following units:
1. Medical Oncology
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Content-Rich Websites...
Build High-Content Websites -- Even If You Hate to Write!
I’ll show you step-by-step how you can use my new,
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for each articles collected.
Here Are Just A Few Of The Incredible
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Go and see all the details on this in.credible tool!
Lars Hanning
Limited Number Of Master Reprint Rights N.ow Available To "Article Site Builder"!
PPS I've just got a note from Neil Shearing that he's GIVING AWAY
some brand new software! His Keyword Spider software helps you
brainstorm keywords f
Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
How good is the water you are drinking for you?
It does not matter where you get it from, none of the water we drink is capable of providing the proper hydration of our cells.
Turn your water(H2O)into SUPER water(X2O).
XOOMA, when added to your drinking water, increases the PH of the water so it can move through the cell wall easier to take in nutrients,remove toxins and provide our bodies with the ultimate refreshment they need.
You can learn all about XOOMA by going to;
if you need to, copy and paste.
Your body will thank you for it.
What is YOUR Health Worth?
XOOMA costs just $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping for a 30 day supply. It is time for you to transform your water from H2O to X2O for the ultimate way to hydrate and refresh your body.
The Human body does not produce Vitamin C.
Just eating right isn't enough anymore. You
MUST supplement with Vitamin C and it must be
in the appropriate form to be recognized by
the human body.
Our Vitamin C is a natural, whole-food source
that is far better than other Vitamin C
products that use synthetic forms of ascorbic
acid which the human body cannot absorb.
I have been using this Vitamin C for years
and I no longer get the common cold or the
Vitamin C with Electrolytes
Hi. G. Lee Mikules, Writer
Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
Believe it !!! No charges, no hidden costs, No Forced Monthy purchases,
Yes - free samples to dealers, manufacturer direct - solid 12 year old company, Compare -- these are really LOW costs, Paid daily, Free Sites with Complete Back Office - soft ware in place, Free Personalized DrinkACTWorldwide Website...
And did I mention --------- no costs, nada, zip,,,, ever .. now or later none, honest. Australia
Your way into the next trillion dollar industry mentored for free every step of the way
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Auto-Blog Builder!
Your Auto-Website Builder
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How would you like to automate the process of adding the latest,
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Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
Imagine YOU are the service provider for your family, friends,
co-workers etc. as well as others via the internet by marketing:
1) Cellular Phone Service from companies including NEXTEL, Cingular/AT
Welcome to Vemma™! I'd like to first introduce you to a wonderful nutrition program that will provide you and your family with the ultimate health foundation.
The Vemma Nutrition Program combines two powerful liquid nutritional supplements into one easy-to-take program. Combine one ounce of each product for a great-tasting power shot — the best possible way to start off your day! In that one shot, you'll receive a perfect blend of full-spectrum vitamins, antioxidant-rich mangosteen, pure aloe vera and 65 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals.
If you're wanting to buy an amazing nutritional program to enrich your own and your family's health — shop now! You don't want to be without this program for another day. For your convenience, we offer an optional automatic order renewal service. Order now, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
If you're looking for a home-business opportunity where the products are so great they practically sell themselves, you've found the perfect program! The Vemma Nutrition Program is the most complete liquid nutrition program available anywhere! In fact, the Vemma Nutrition Program is featured in the 2005 edition of the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR®) for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements. The PDR is the only professional and unbiased reference that over 350,000 healthcare professionals turn to when seeking credible information on dietary supplements. If prestige can be measured, Vemma's inclusion in this distinguished publication sets it apart from other nutrition programs!
Plus, Vemma members find the business opportunity simple, with a single product focus, and a compensation plan that is easy to learn while you start to earn!
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Hi. G. Lee Mikules, Writer
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So was I...notice the WAS...I have found a company that is debt free, has been in business for over 7 years and has great products but...the products are not what I am talking about today.
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That's Right… $40,000 dollars in your PayPal account and that's NO BULL!!!
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Most program only requires you to refer
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Dear Online Entrepreneur,
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Are your goals to:
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If you're serious about earning very serious money, drop me an
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Bill Humme
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P.S. This is a serious opportunity that does NOT involve; vitamins,
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P.S.S. You can be in business without having to give up lots of
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NOTICE: This mail is NEVER sent unsolicited.
You are receiving this because you posted an
ad on our free-for-all links page (either by
visiting the website or using an automatic
submission service) or you sent us an email
or you joined one of our Opt-in lists,
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Good Day !*NAME*!
My name is David Medley. I am 86 years young and living in retirement in sunny Tucson Arizona.
I have been active in internet marketing for about 2 years now but have not had a great deal of success until quite recently.
I have tried many programs, most of which turned out to be too costly, too difficult or just plain scams.
I have now found at last a program which is revolutionary to say the least. The cost is modest and the support outstanding.
I got your email address because you have indicated that you are interested in a home business and perhaps have suffered the same frustrations and dissappointments
that I have.
If you would like some more information without any obligation whatsoever please go to:
Please consider signing in at no cost and explore what you find.
If this is not what you want then you will find unsubscribe instructions at the end of the message.
This is a one time message and you will not hear from me again unless you are interested.
The very best of health and luck to you !*NAME*!
David Medley
Hello My Bloggers!
Derrick Nylander here with some exciting news and hoping you are in good health.
I hope your business is doing well. Mine is just exploding and I'm very pressed for time at the moment. I'm helping a lot of people generate an extra automated income stream on-line.
If you are open to add another income stream to your portfolio and would like to become a part of the largest industry in the world, please read the details below and be sure to request additional information.
Like you, I have been involved with network marketing and earning an income from home. We are probably alike and have not earned a great deal of money in most of our On-line ventures.
Here is my question - are you open to looking at a winning opportunity? I know I can show you a program that is different than all the others and I am actually starting to earn a great income for once.
The program is also low maintenance in other words it doesn't cost much to run it after everything is set up. I'd love for you to take a look at what is considered to be a "Real Business" and not just another one of those so-called "business opportunity" And if this is not for you I still would like to say thank you for your time and continue to wish you the best in all of your endeavors.
Here are the details!
Big Trips, Small Trips, Three day Getaways, 14 day exotic adventures, Trips by Land, Sea or Air, you name it...that is why travel is a $5 Trillion industry and Growing every day.
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Dear Friend !
The benifits to having this very valuable website is to vast to mention
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Dear Friend,
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This is a dynamite earner so don't delay,
grab your site now and watch those $20.00
instant cash payments flood your inbox.
[ PS: If you get in now you can start those
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I don't know if you saw the big Source Code Blowout sale that was done last July-
Well Jeremy Burns is at it again!
And this time the 10 products he is blowing out the source code to are even better...
You can get a sneak peek of the new products by going to:
He is posting details about one of the new products that will be included in SCB2 every day until the launch and so far I am pretty impressed with the lineup-
The reason I am letting you know about a sale that does not even start until Friday is because I wanted to make sure you wait for my email before you pick it up!
I am going to make it *very* worth your while to wait and see the special bonuses I am going to be piling on you, if you pick up this incredible package through my link!
So watch for my email 1st thing this Friday- I'm going to really make it worth your while to snap this package up from me!
Jeremy is only releasing 500 copies - so be ready to jump on this one right away.
Best Regards,
James Harden
PS. You won't believe the bonuses I'm going to toss your way for buying this through my link
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Answer: Yes it is.
And you can do it starting almost immediately with this proven program. I have friends and family asking me what I have been doing lately because I have upgraded my two cars and been doing some major renevations on my house.
Check me out at if you are serious about earning real money from home. I will make myself available by phone for any questions you might have.
John Hostler
"Learn The Power Packed Sleuth Tactics
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SEO is about making your website in such a way that it will appear higher in the search rankings. A website that's optimized for search engines can reap huge benefits on to your website and your business.
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I will Keep this short...
You Need to be quick.....
If you don’t follow any other advice all year then take my word on this one.
Get this package immediately:
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How would you like to own 10 brand new HOT high in demand products - you get the full source code to ebooks, software and multimedia products that have never been sold before.
This is the hottest hands down turnkey business you will see in your entire life!
There will only be 500 copies released so this offer may end very soon I already got mine so Hurry go get yours before they are gone forever.
65 year old man decides to share his
money making system that requires no
Make money online from home with a simple and proven formula others use right now to earn multiple streams of residual income...Click here for home based business opportunities to make money online
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The Birth of myYearbook ...
It all started during Spring Break 2005, flipping through a yearbook in my room and realizing it sucked. This is 2005 - why the hell is anyone buying yearbooks anymore?
We wanted more than the typical stuff -- superlatives, autographs, will, pictures -- although those had to be there too. What would make this site different -- and loved -- is it would be full of the people you know and meet in real life everyday. And it would go with you your whole life. It was real life on the Internet.
Then we realized it could be more.
It could reinvent real life. It could make real life better. Making it easier to meet the people you see every day. Making it easier to approach the cute girl in a different class. Making it easier to find out who else shares your likes, dislikes, favorite movies, music, Chinese food place, ... Catherine wrote the name down on her notebook, put smiley faces in the "O's." myYearbook was born.
The Idea Grows
It wasn't long before we realized this was bigger than just high school or just college. This would be the best social networking site in history, if we could figure out what we were doing.
Let's face it, friendster gets boring, myspace is creepy, and classmates is a rip off. myYearbook would be the only community of people worth going to -- full of people you meet or used to meet everyday, the people you might actually be friends with, bump into, date, knock their books down, or marry. It would have every high school, every college, every graduate school, every summer program, every employer, everyone.
And it would connect everyone to everyone like never before.
And it would have
New! Patented Water Enhancer Sweeps Country
Not a Filter. Not a Machine. It's X20
Simply drop a sachet ("tea bag") in to 18-24 ozs of regular water, shake, let sit for 5 minutes, and then "Enjoy a beverage unlike any other".
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X20 hydrates better and has a higher pH rating ("alkalizes" better)than: Gatorade, AMP, Apple Juice, Powerade, Cranberry Juice, Red Bull and other so-called "Energizing Drinks"
(((LOOK MPO Is Paying BIG Time!!
I joined MPO August 7th and I got paid already. I will get paid over $300 again on Oct. 10th and have over $300 to start for the Nov. payout. YES! This really works.
You’ll see that our system really can make you
up to $10,000 a month or more.
This program is new and has a Pay Plan that is not a pyramid scheme. It
has unlimited income potential.
Yes folks, “Unlimited”! We have the “state-of-the-art” in automation to
make your job very easy. All you need to do to make
MONEY is, join and let the automated system do the work for you.
In a few short months, you can make enough for a new monthly car
…or in 8-12 months, a new monthly house payment…or in a year or so, you
can be Financially Independent and yes, Debt Free!
SO GO RIGHT NOW, before you do anything else!
Go to,
Thank You and Have A GREAT DAY!
Jerry Walker
NOTICE: This mail is NEVER sent unsolicited.
You are receiving this because you posted an
ad on our free-for-all links page (either by
visiting the website or using an automatic
submission service) or you sent us an email
or you joined one of our Opt-in lists,
or you joined one of our Programs.
New! Patented Water Enhancer Sweeps Country
Not a Filter. Not a Machine. It's X20
Simply drop a sachet ("tea bag") in to 18-24 ozs of regular water, shake, let sit for 5 minutes, and then "Enjoy a beverage unlike any other".
Instantly, regular H20 is transformed in to an X20 "Super Beverage"
X20 hydrates better and has a higher pH rating ("alkalizes" better)than: Gatorade, AMP, Apple Juice, Powerade, Cranberry Juice, Red Bull and other so-called "Energizing Drinks"
New! Patented Water Enhancer Sweeps Country
Not a Filter. Not a Machine. It's X20
Simply drop a sachet ("tea bag") in to 18-24 ozs of regular water, shake, let sit for 5 minutes, and then "Enjoy a beverage unlike any other".
Instantly, regular H20 is transformed in to an X20 "Super Beverage"
X20 hydrates better and has a higher pH rating ("alkalizes" better)than: Gatorade, AMP, Apple Juice, Powerade, Cranberry Juice, Red Bull and other so-called "Energizing Drinks"
Answer: Yes it is.
And you can do it starting almost immediately with this proven program. I have friends and family asking me what I have been doing lately because I have upgraded my two cars and been doing some major renevations on my house.
Check me out at if you are serious about earning real money from home. I will make myself available by phone for any questions you might have.
John Hostler
I would like to make you a simple offer. Make the right decision and Your Money Worries Are Over!
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It!
I joined MPO August 7th and I got paid over $200 already and I will get over $300 on Oct. 10th. I already have over $300 built for the Nov. 10th payout and I know it will be much more than that. This really works.
They now have a 2nd Matrix for those that qualify to make even more money. Yes I am in the 2nd Matrix.
You’ll see that our system really can make you
good monthly income.
This program is new and has a Pay Plan that is not a pyramid scheme. It has unlimited income potential.
Yes folks, “Unlimited”! We have the “state-of-the-art” in automation to make your job very easy. All you need to do to make
MONEY is, join and let the automated system do the work for you.
In a few short months, you can make enough for a new monthly car payment.
…or in 8-12 months, a new monthly house payment…or in a year or so, you can be Financially Independent and yes, Debt Free!
SO GO RIGHT NOW, before you do anything else!
Go to,
Thank You and Have A GREAT DAY!
Jerry Walker
Answer: Yes it is.
And you can do it starting almost immediately with this proven program. I have friends and family asking me what I have been doing lately because I have upgraded my two cars and been doing some major renevations on my house.
Check me out at if you are serious about earning real money from home. I will make myself available by phone for any questions you might have.
John Hostler
* Step-by-step guide walks you through from start-up to achieving success.
* Over 70 page guide on how to start your own business online. Step-by-step guide walks you through from start-up to achieving success.
* Links, software, marketing resources and all the tools needed to achieve your goals are provided. click me!
Welcome to Vemma™! I'd like to first introduce you to a wonderful nutrition program that will provide you and your family with the ultimate health foundation.
The Vemma Nutrition Program combines two powerful liquid nutritional supplements into one easy-to-take program. Combine one ounce of each product for a great-tasting power shot — the best possible way to start off your day! In that one shot, you'll receive a perfect blend of full-spectrum vitamins, antioxidant-rich mangosteen, pure aloe vera and 65 major, trace and ultra-trace minerals.
If you're wanting to buy an amazing nutritional program to enrich your own and your family's health — shop now!
You don't want to be without this program for another day. For your convenience, we offer an optional automatic order renewal service. Order now, it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
If you're looking for a home-business opportunity where the products are so great they practically sell themselves, you've found the perfect program! The Vemma Nutrition Program is the most complete liquid nutrition program available anywhere! In fact, the Vemma Nutrition Program is featured in the 2005 edition of the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR®) for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements. The PDR is the only professional and unbiased reference that over 350,000 healthcare professionals turn to when seeking credible information on dietary supplements. If prestige can be measured, Vemma's inclusion in this distinguished publication sets it apart from other nutrition programs!
Plus, Vemma members find the business opportunity simple, with a single product focus, and a compensation plan that is easy to learn whil
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The ability to set goals and effectively motivate yourself to achieve them are two essential skills that will help you achieve success in you home business.
To try and start a business without goals could be compared to throwing a baseball pitch, blindfolded in the dark. What would be your chance of getting your pitch on target? Never mind getting a strike-out. Unless you are very lucky it is unlikely that you will have any success without properly setting out goals.
If when you start your home business, in what ever field it maybe, if you have no goals and aim at nothing, is it not unlikely that you will hit nothing and achieve nothing?
To set effective goals there are a few things you need to know about yourself which will affect how you set your goals. You are affected by, the environment in which you live, your experience and knowledge, your attitude and dreams and visions for the future.
When you set your goals you need to decide what you want and when you want to achieve each goal. You should spend time writing down your goals and display them in a prominent position where you will see them daily to remind yourself to stay motivated and focused. Cross off your goals once they’ve been achieved, adding new ones to ensure your business keeps growing.
“Don’t set your Goals to low. If you don’t need much, you won’t become much”. - - Jim Rohn - -
I’m sure you will have come across the SMART analogy, with regards to goal setting. It contains the most important concepts to consider and adhere to when setting your goals.
Goals should be; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time related.
For example it would be unwise to set a goal of making $10,000 in
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