Sunday, March 27, 2005

You, Your Happiness & Wealth

If you haven't read "Greenspan, the U.S. Economy, Your Love Life, Music & Hope" already go do so now by clicking here. It's sure to help you step beyond your personal pain to glimpse the bigger picture in which you're operating.

Special Message for the broken hearted and Success-bound

(c) 2004 Yvette Dubel

"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear."
------Herbert Agar

It may not be exactly what you want to hear, but I think this is especially true when it comes to relationships. The more emotional the situation the more truth there seems to be in that quote.

Are you wondering just what this has to do with small business resources?

If you've read my other articles on this topic you already know what direction I'm taking you in. I am a small business advocate that encourages its use as a platform for learning the lessons of
self-responsibility, the best part of ambition. I want everyone to know what it feels like to dedicate each day to giving expression and focus to your passion!

I want to witness us all expressing the fullness of who we are in ways that affirm and uplift humanity. I know it's a lofty dream, but it's the hope that inspires me each and every day.

I encourage those of you crying because some person didn't love you as much as you wanted-- to pay special attention. If you know someone in that boat, send them a link to this article.

Look, there is an element of "you are alone" that we must all confront and accept as a part of life, instead of constantly seeking validation of that reality's denial.

No one else can enter your pain with you, nor can they fully enter your joy. Those are internal experiences. Not even the most ideal partnership can spare you from that reality.

Discovering the person you love is not who you thought can feel like a kick has landed in your chest. Among the unfortuate side effects are loss of appetite, insomnia, constant weeping, etc.

But what do you do when you're tired of crying because it feels like your eyes will pop out? Or when you're just sick of feeling sorry for yourself. No amount of crying will change what has happened.

How long it takes for you to feel better depends totally on you. When will you make up your mind to get on with living and loving yourself?

Hopefully you'll know where to turn when you've had enough of thinking in circles and getting nowhere. Start by reading product reviews, strategic development materials, and mapping out the plan for your success.

What do you do next? You build your business. Those restless moments when you want desperately to call and beg him to come back are better used if applied to a productive aspect of building your enterprise.

Can't sleep? Then get to work on your marketing, or at least your business plan.

Why? Because you have to begin taking actions that empower and validate you ...the life you create for yourself. Focusing on your business is a way to begin working and focusing on your future, independent of self defeating relationships.

This approach to your recovery has many long term benefits. Chief among them, it helps you become oriented with the concepts of relationship valuation that will enhance all of your future relationships, professional and personal.

With diligent conscious attention this can be an exercise in breaking old relationship patterns by creating a better relationship with yourself. Building your business is an investment in your future at the most fundamental level. Attention to your material well being is a basic expression of self love when you intend it to be so.

This is why entrepreneurship works as an effective intervention. The pay off is obvious. Your business success is the key to affording the financial freedom and lifestyle you envision. Stop postponing your good until someone else shows up. You're already here and we know just where you can get started.


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