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strategy-consulting services for your personal life, small businesses and non-profit
organizations---Specializing in strategic deployment as a tool and platform for
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Joke Time
I know this is usually where I share a quote, but I thought this would be a great time for a giggle.
"So tell me, Mrs. Smith," asked the interviewer, "have you any
other skills you think might be worth mentioning?"
"Actually, yes," said the applicant modestly. "Last year I had
two short stories published in national magazines, and I
finished my novel."
"Very impressive," he commented, "but I was thinking of skills
you could apply during office hours."
Mrs. Smith explained brightly, "Oh, that WAS during office
Speaking of giggling...Listen to Behind the Veil Live!
You want to read the "Dinner Scooped Off the Floor" exclusive report. So many women ask me, "why won't men commit". In this absolutely free report I give you the simple answer combined with an indepth analysis. By the time you reach the end you will understand the true value of tackling and mastering relationship issues.
Personallly, I prefer "more effective relationship management" using techniques founded on the process of relationship valuation.
Have we met yet? I know alot of you are still strangers to me, but I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Since the last update here I've revamped the Enhancement Consulting website. Some of you spoke and I listened. A group of you had trouble with the dark background so you'll appreciate the changes, I'm sure. In addition to some color changes, you'll find the new layout organizes the information better. The niche focus of the site is also emerging more clearly.
Don't worry, I'll be adding more articles soon. I'll continue to give you the first opportunity to see new material. Mentioning writing and clarified niche focus, I've been invited to contribute a guest essay for another blog which I'm really excited about. Again, I'll tell you more once I have an idea what I'll be addressing. Right now I'm thinking about something addressing Valentine's Day.
I'm also working on adding a blog to the site. It won't replicate this one. It'll be more condensed daily tips, but more importantly they'll facilitate more frequent communications between us.
Almost as exciting as that are the new products I'm working to complete. Clear Start should be ready for launch next month with a whole new suite of integrated services. And the long awaited Your Perfect Solution software will be distributed to a close circle of friends first and then introduced in a public launch. Likewise it will introduce some new support services seamlessly integrated with the software.
Exciting stuff! I can't wait to tell you more.
I have some interesting news to share with you on outsourcing and industry trends that present some fabulous opportunities for new businesses and existing organizations. I'll tell you all about it next time.
All the best,
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