Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Clear New Year - - - - Clearly New Opportunities

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This issue:
New Start Message
Relationship Advice to Kick Off the New Year

Happy New Year!

It's been awhile, but I hope you enjoyed your holidays as much as we did. We almost had a white Christmas, but missed it by a day. That doesn't happen often in my neck of the woods.

Of course the recent Tsunami tragedies in Southeast Asia has given us all reason for pause. Our hearts go out to the victims and survivors. The rally to collect aide is a reminder of our interdependence beyond any perceived differences or distance. Please take a moment to give whatever you can by going here.

As we look towards the New Year, I hope you have identified at least one area of your life for improvement. This is vital if you are to fulfill and express your highest potential. It's easy to say no one is perfect, but why not make a commitment to always becoming better?

In my mind that is the glory of the New Year. It's another chance, another opportunity, a fresh new start. Of course, the same can also be found in each day but somehow the sparkle of New Year weaves a special kind of spell over us.

Very shortly I'll be uploading priceless information to help you build your "Goal Map for 2005". Everyday is a chance to be all we can be and I want to help you get there, and then surpass it. So be on the look out for that.

This year I've committed to helping even more people with relationship management by writing more articles, doing online events, and of course, the release of Clarity Relationship Valuation Software.

And yes, the site will be revamped and I'll go back to the white background ;-) Since I am working with some joint venture partners to develop the online event series I doubt it will be ready before February.

Check out the new online conference facility. It allows for realtime voice communication without any long distance charges. That means you can talk to anyone, or even large groups, anywhere in the world.

Download the interface for Demo Conference Room Password:yvette

Anyone that takes the survey and returns it to me (instructions will be sent with survey) will get free use of a room just like it for their own event. All you have to do is book the time and date when you return your survey responses.

Introduce Yourself, Post a Special Offer, Ask a Question or Answer One

Small Business Resource Picks
Instant Buzz


How Can I Help You?

"You might as well toss your cash in the fireplace to keep warm in thewinter if you're not extracting the hidden cash from your business Yvette reveals in Don't Spend Another Dime To Increase Profits.
As soon as I downloaded your report I read that by tracking customer behavioral patterns and using other concealed business intelligence you can mine profits fromyour business that most owners don't even know are there.
You give an excellent straight forward to the point illustration of the "Strategic"use of business and customer data available to any business owner that's not afraidto profit by using it!
I did the math and "tested" the numbers you gave in your illustration and you'recompletely on point....
It's ironic that the key things that we spoke about during our session were covered in the Exploding Potential e-book that you gave me...It's informative, well put together, and an excellent, brandable viral marketing piece. Thankyou.

I like your style. Job well done.You're ahead of your time!"
Andrew C. NY USA


Relationship Advice For A New Year

Are you someone with a lengthy history of bad relationships? Is this the year you've vowed to change that? Great!

I've been waiting for you to come around.

Are you a person who has tolerated a bad relationship just to have one? This is the year you learn to stand on your courage and refuse to stop settling.

Has you business been suffering because you just can't say what needs to be said? This will be the year you start to line your relationships up with your goals.

While every person is created equal, this is not so for all relationships. Relationships that reinforce distructive patterns have to be seen clearly and understood in terms of their benefits before you can truly be rid of them. Skipping this vital step is what causes some of you to jump from bad relationship to bad relationship.

When I refer to benefits of a bad relationship I mean understanding why you made that choice. What need were you attempting to meet? This is the first step towards making better choices and ultimately altering your behavior.

As I've said time and time again, you're the only one you have control over so that is the place to start. One of the things I've seen repeatedly is that many of you don't know how to evaluate relationship partners. You simply haven't a clue what you need to be looking for or how to use the information you have.

As someone who has been married for quite awhile, I'm the first to admit there will always be hiccups in any relationship. What makes it worth it is the love that grows with mutual respect--conscious loving, and attention to personal development.

Alot of you are silently suffering in agonizing desperation, but it can be different.

Here Are A Few Specific Relationship Management Tips

This is not an exhaustive list of actions, but rather a place to start. If you are someone who has struggled with this, it is a huge starting point.

Stop reacting purely from your emotions. Logic and analysis serve a very important function in the life of a human being. Emotional reactions will not result in the quality of relationship you desire.

1. When the upset occurs, pause before saying anything.
2. Get comfortable and do a series of five breathing cycles. Note:Inhale and exhale count as a cycle.
3. Identify the emotional trigger, and your feelings.
4. Clarify what you want instead.

When these steps are ommitted any communication will miss the mark. More than likely the typical unfolding of events would result in an arguement in which nothing was really resolved. The reason?

At least one person needs to be clear on the desired outcome if successful resolution is even hopeful. Otherwise it's just the blind leading the blind. A conversation stuck in anger or disappointment will be less productive than one rooted in Clarity, personal empowerment, and mutual respect.

Now when you go back to the other party you'll be ready to identify what your mutual and independent needs are. This is the vital part of communication that strengthens or at least clarifies relationships.

This may seem deceptively simple, but when you try doing it in context...I can tell you after fourteen years of marriage that not reacting emotionally is a challenge. It requires ongoing commitment and diligence.

Here for YOUR success,

(c) 2005 Yvette Dubel

If you know someone who needs this message, please send them a link by clicking the envelope below.


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