Building a Website that Works for YOU
It’s no longer enough just to have a website; you must have a web presence. The very implication of the phrase suggests a concern with profits. And that’s essentially the point.Now what does this mean for you? It means your website needs to be the cornerstone of a strategy that leverages your resources for maximum ROMI (return on marketing investment). Just how this is accomplished will depend on your specific circumstances and priorities.
For starters, consider how you will plan for a profitable website. There are ad supported websites, which is a better option for some businesses. However, I advocated for a content focused presence that targets a niche market. Simply stated, use your site to provide information that is valued by that segment.
The next decision is whether or not that content will be paid. “I think unique, differentiated, proprietary business content has clear value,” indicated Gordon Crovitz, senior VP of Dow Jones & Co. Mr. Crovitz knows of what he speaks since the electronic publishing division of which he is president requires an annual subscription to enjoy The Wall Street Journal Online. [Source: BtoB Magazine June 13, 2005]
In addition to how others will gain access to your content is the matter of how you will create dynamic content that generates traffic. Preferably you'll want to find content solutions that are automtically updated remotely to increase your ease of use. The perfect answer is free sticky content. (I'll tell you more about that shortly.)
If you’re in business you have business intelligence that can probably be converted into an information product that is marketable within a well matched niche. This kind of insightful consideration as you cultivate your online presence is extremely valuable in terms of the longevity of your business. Key to that success is multiple streams of income which do not take you off course. This is where a customized strategic plan, like that included with Clear CRM System, can make all the difference in meeting and exceeding your goals or falling considerably shy of them.
Of course help is easily available to address your specific set of concerns, but we don't know what they are until you contact us. Now, how can I help you?
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